Inward Processing Authorization Certificate

Inward processing is a customs procedure that allows import duties to be suspended when the goods are going to be further processed either before they are re-exported or released onto free circulation.


What is Inward Processing Authorization Certificate? It is a document that by exporting, enables customs exempted import and/or domestic purchases without VAT. - What Are Inward Processing Measures? In Inward Processing Regime, two types of inward processing measures, conditional exemption and reimbursement system, are applied, and in the conditional exemption system, the taxes arising during the import are bound to the collateral, and in the reimbursement system, taxes are collected during the import and the tax received in the export of the processed product is refunded. - Who can get Inward Processing Authorization Certificate? There are certain conditions to get Inward Processing Authorization Certificate. First of all, in order to obtain the certificate, it is necessary to be an exporter or to make a commitment to the state. 1) To be manufacturing 2) To be a member of the Exporters Union in the city you are manufacturing. 3) To have capacity report. Apart from this, after a supplier industry protocol is signed with a company that is an importer-exporter, an inward processing authorization certificate can be obtained using the capacity report of the supplier industry. - What are the benefits of Inward Processing Authorization Certificate? In the globalized world, with the competition of the trade, you can import the product that you will produce by taking advantage of your competitors in a more convenient way than the domestic market price. During imports to be made within the scope of Inward Processing Authorization Certificate, collateral, as much as taxes, is deposited to the relevant customs and you can also benefit from a discounted collateral based on the company status. After the Inward Processing Authorization Certificate is closed by the relevant union, the amount of the taxes connected to the guarantee is returned to you. Within the scope of Inward Processing Authorization Certificate, mentioned exemptions, taxes and exemptions: Exemption from customs duties, from VAT and other taxes on imports from countries that are included in the European Union, from VAT, customs and other taxes (dumping, etc.) and quota applications, RUSF exemption, Allowing equivalent goods application, Trade policy measures for exports to countries of the same class in imports from countries not included in the European Union. - What is the Compensatory Tax within the scope of Inward Processing Authorization Certificate? Compensatory tax is the tax that is paid subject to the tax return procedure during the export related to the imported goods in case goods of third country origin are imported under the Inward Processing Regime (IPR), produced and then exported as export goods to the EU member countries together with the ATR Certificate of Circulation, to the EU member countries, to the countries with which we signed Free Trade Agreement, to the countries which are a party to Pan-European Cumulation or Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Cumulation together with the certificates of origin. - How do we serve as Başkent Danışmanlık? 1) Creating a Project 2) Getting Inward Processing Authorization Certificate 3) Revised in the document (item information revision, additional time revision) 4) Compensating Tax calculation 5) Closure of Inward Processing Authorization Certificate.

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